Saturday Night Services

Watch Pastor Chris’ announcement

We recently unveiled KAC’s exciting new strategic plan for the next three to five years. In our Beyond All series, we detailed our call, dreams and faith-filled goals to help situate, and cast vision for, where our church is headed this next season


We recently unveiled KAC’s exciting new strategic plan for the next three to five years. In our Beyond All series, we detailed our call, dreams and faith-filled goals to help situate, and cast vision for, where our church is headed this next season

As a church, we must think about how our Strategic Plan will change our church in the future.


Considering our preferred future, we are moving away from Saturday night services in June 2023.


The metaphor Pastor Chris has used is that of a new house. Our strategic plan is the blueprint of our new house, and we need to move into it – we cannot carry two mortgages! Moving away from Saturday night is one of the strategic changes as we think about our future.


April 15-16

Public Communication – Pastor Chris will lead the congregation through our decision to move away from Saturday night services. A survey will be provided to formally receive feedback and provide opportunities for follow-up. 

Saturday, June 3

Celebration and Ending – We will conclude our final Saturday night service with a celebration to honour all that God has done over the last decade. This will be a time to share stories and recount the amazing impact of Saturday nights at KAC.

Sunday, June 11-Ongoing

Normalizing – We will host two services on Sunday throughout the summer, allowing us to establish new rhythms for our church and staff. These will become our ongoing rhythms for the fall and beyond.  

September 30 

Launch Revive on Saturday – We will host our monthly prayer night, Revive, on Saturday evenings. Our church will be invited to participate in a time of corporate fasting, which we will break together with a family meal and follow with a time of prayer and worship. 

Want to learn more about this decision?


Will our sanctuary be big enough to hold the people from Saturday moving to Sunday?

Yes. Our sanctuary can seat 469 people, we will be able to shift the average Saturday night attendance of 150 people to Sunday morning without overcrowding either service. We hope that our church continues to grow.
As growth happens we will continue to adapt to best serve our community.  

What will a second expression look like?

We are prayerfully considering our options for a second expression of KAC, including a smaller, more intimate church experience, to reach those we are not currently reaching.

How can I give feedback?

A survey will be provided for you to give your feedback. Please access the survey at kac.ca/saturday


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“I once was isolated but because of Jesus I am free.”



Mary Jo Sharp

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