Why Give?
At KAC, we exist to know Jesus, and to make him known. This means we are deeply committed to the spiritual growth of believers – and we are passionately committed to reaching out to those who do not yet know Christ.
We do this, in part, through sacrificial giving. As part of the spiritual journey, sacrificial giving is done, not out of obligation, but rather out of a deep desire to know Jesus and make Him known. It is His ultimate sacrifice that compels us.
God calls us to cheerfully give of our first fruits (2 Corinthians 9:7 and Proverbs 3:9). It is this sacrificial giving that allows for our own spiritual formation, while also making much of the name of Jesus.
If you would like to partner with us, please see below details on how to give.

Ways we give
Give online using Church Center or the Church Center App.
Put your cash or cheque in the giving station at the front foyer of the church. A giving envelope will be provided.
Debit/Credit Card
A pay machine is available at the giving station at the front foyer of the church during regular Gathering times.
Interac e-Transfer
For more information about using Interac e-Transfer select the link below.
Online Banking
Add KAC as a payee in your online banking. Please contact our finance team for further instructions at the link below, or by emailing finance@kac.ca.
Questions? Ask us!

Finance Team
giving opportunities
Provides for the day-to-day expenses of our church. The General provides funds for other ministries to operate programming and events.
Community Care
These funds are used to help people in need within the city of Kamloops.
Capital Reserve
These funds are used for the future building needs of our church.
Global Advance
These funds are forwarded to the National Office of the Christian and Missionary Alliance in Canada. Your giving supports our International Workers in their mission to “make disciples of all nations”.
Canadian Ministries
These funds are forwarded to the District office of the Christian and Missionary Alliance in Canada. Your giving will help to support ministries within Western Canada.
(Figures represent actual giving versus budgeted figures within the July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025 annual budget.)
Received January 27 – February 2
Weekly budget: 29,870
Received year-to-date
Annual budget: $1,779,436
Designated Gifts Policy
Spending of funds is confined to programs and projects approved by Kamloops Alliance Church (KAC). Should a donor designate a contribution, we will honour that designation with the understanding that when the need for such a program or project has been met or cannot be completed for any reason, the remaining designated gifts will be used where most needed, as determined by the Board of Elders.
Where do I find my charitable contribution tax statements?
For instructions on how to find your charitable contribution tax statements please click here.
Where do I find my giving history?
For instructions on how to find your giving history please click here.