HIGHLIGHTEagle Bay Camp SubsidyLent
HIGHLIGHT/Eagle Bay Camp Subsidy/Lent
Baptism isn’t required for salvation, but is the first step of faith for believers. Baptism is a picture of the work that Jesus has done in a person’s heart. We
Baptism isn’t required for salvation, but is the first step of faith for believers. Baptism is a picture of the work that Jesus has done in a person’s heart.
We follow Jesus’ example in baptism. He was baptized (Mark 1:9), and commanded us to be baptized (Matthew 28:19-20).
At Kamloops Alliance, we baptize by immersion. That’s the example we see throughout Scripture, and is the basis for the meaning of the word “baptize,” which means to immerse (or dip under) in water.
If you’re a believer, you should be baptized! It doesn’t matter if you were saved 20 years ago or just last week; it’s time to take the next step in your faith journey.
Our next baptisms will be July 28 after the Weekend Gatherings | 12:30 at the beach by the Henry Grube Centre
For more information follow the link below, or contact Pastor Simon, at simonm@kac.ca
July 28, 2024 All Day(GMT-07:00)
Kamloops Alliance Church
200 Leigh Rd