See you this weekend

Our weekend gatherings are one of the most important things we do, coming together in one place to connect and create a warm, encouraging community. All are welcome.





Welcome to KAC

Our people are what makes KAC special. We celebrate the beauty and diversity of our congregation where people of all ages, ethnicities, and walks of life are welcome. We can’t wait to meet you!

Sanctuary Venue

Sundays at 9:00 & 11:00am join us at our front entrance for a larger service in our Sanctuary. We open with music and singing, then a time of teaching from the Bible, followed by an opportunity to socialize with each other.

Ministry Centre Venue

Sundays at 9:00am enter through the Ministry Centre doors and enjoy a service with a live band, preaching and time in a smaller church community environment.

KAC Kids

Drop your kids off at KAC Kids where little seekers and believers gather to hear relevant and engaging big ideas connected with the main Weekly Gathering.


Join Us Online

Join us online Sundays at 11am. You can also find other great content like sermons, worship, stories, devotionals, and more.

Watch LivePast SermonsOn Demand

What are your Weekend Gatherings like?

We are regular people just like you. Our multi-ethnic, multi-generational group of believers and seekers gather together with the purpose of creating a welcoming community dedicated to knowing Jesus and making Him known.  

Our services are very relaxed and informal so that all feel welcome. We open with music and singing, then a time of teaching from the Bible, followed by an opportunity to socialize with each other.

What will happen when I visit for the first time?

We welcome you to come check out our church community! When you visit for the first time, be sure to stop by our guest services table and our friendly volunteers or staff will give you information and help direct you to where you need to go. Also jump over to our I’m New page to find more information, resources and content. 

What do I wear?

While some folks like to dress up, others are more comfortable in a t-shirt and jeans. We welcome you as you are.

What about my kids?

From newborn to grade 6, there is age-appropriate care, teaching, and fun activities that run at the same time as the Weekend Gatherings. We also provide a quiet place for parents with infants needing attending where you can still catch the service on TV. Learn more on the KAC Kids Weekends Gatherings page.

What is the music like?

We believe God dwells in the music and worship of His people. Our focus is on being relevant, authentic, and modern while staying rooted in Biblical history. We use modern instruments for upbeat songs that are deep and meaningful.

What is the teaching like?

All our Weekend Gatherings and ministries are based on gospel principles. We don’t want to be givers of good advice but instead share the powerful truth of Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection. 

Why Attend Church?

Weekend Gatherings are one of the most important things we do to create good community. It’s a place to celebrate the beauty and diversity of our congregation as we meet together in one place to learn, worship, encourage and connect. 

Explore more at KAC



Life Groups

Small, close-knit groups where we grow in our faith together. 

Learn more



“I once was isolated but because of Jesus I am free.”



Mary Jo Sharp

How do I Reconcile the Bad Reputation of Christians?
