Indigenous and non-Indigenous people uniting with Jesus for a brighter future

The KAC Indigenous Connections Team is thrilled to host our third Us Together Conference! This conference exhibits the heart of our team and our church: that Indigenous and non-Indigenous people would come together, to listen, learn, and grow together in love, unity, and reconciliation. Come participate in education and awareness building breakout sessions, hear personal stories of recovery and healing, and engage in table discussions that help us understand our institutional and personal contribution to reconciliation.
SATURDAY, MAY 4 | 8:30 AM – 3:00 PM
We would love to have you join us for our conference
Guest Speakers

Dionne Mohammed
I am an Indigenous woman, wife, mother, counsellor, and educator from St’at’imc Nation. I am also a daughter and granddaughter of residential school survivors. In my brokenness, Jesus found me and brought healing to the generational trauma and chains which had my family bound. Through my educational journey, He revealed to me the Creator’s profound love for His Indigenous sons and daughters. And so through the power of the Holy Spirit, I go forth daily to share this message.

Joel Jolly
Joel is a worship leader and singer currently living in Winnipeg Manitoba. He is one of the James Bay Crees from Waskaganish Quebec and a part of the Mocreebec community. He currently serves as the worship pastor for The Meeting Place Church in Winnipeg.