Kamloops Alliance Church exists to know Jesus and make Him known.
Christ Centred
Our foundation is the person and work of Jesus Christ; He is the nucleus of the “KAC atom” around which every other strategic directive centres. To that end, every initiative, goal and dream at KAC is designed to be carried out with Jesus, for Jesus and because of Jesus.

We desire to be continually formed into the image of Jesus for the sake of others.
• is to see our congregation embrace regular rhythms of personal and corporate spiritual practices that create space for Spirit-empowered transformation
• is that Kamloops Alliance Church would be a place known for a deep knowledge of – and obedience to – the Scriptures
• is that we would be culturally engaged, possessing the knowledge needed to speak into, with, and against a secular world
• is that we would be a generous people stewarding our time, talent, and money for the advancement of God’s Kingdom
Faith-filled goals
Twelve months
• Fill a pastoral position focused on building and growing a teaching ministry
thirty-six months
• Produce a course that equips people to winsomely engage with culture and share their faith
• Launch an online training website with courses and content designed to equip people in their apprenticeship to Jesus
• See 80% of our congregation build a personal Rule of Life
sixty months
• Increase giving by 15%
Faith-filled goals
Twelve months
• Fill a pastoral position focused on building and growing a teaching ministry
thirty-six months
• Produce a course that equips people to winsomely engage with culture and share their faith
• Launch an online training website with courses and content designed to equip people in their apprenticeship to Jesus
• See 80% of our congregation build a personal Rule of Life
sixty months
• Increase giving by 15%
As a response to Christ’s call to intimate community with him and others, we desire to be a self-sacrificing and embracing community to all people.
• is to promote hospitality as a core practice – both corporately and individually
• is that KAC would be known for creating community, and not just consuming it, where our times together are marked by mutual encouragement, confession, and accountability
• is that families would be supported and encouraged to play a central role in the vitality and health of our community

Lifegroups are powerful because they allow you to experience Jesus in a way you usually can’t in your day-to-day life. Being able to come together with other believers and dig into the Scriptures, pray for each other…laugh, and eat together- it’s truly beautiful. An incredible picture of what God longs for fellowship to be.
– Alana M.

Faith-filled goals
twelve months
• Define community and provide clarity around its function at KAC
• Establish a lay mentoring and ministry counselling service
thirty-six months
• Renovate our campus to create an intentional space to facilitate hospitality, invitation, coffee, and food.
• Launch 10 new Life Groups every year
sixty months
• See 80% of our congregation participate in a small or mid-sized community where they are known and can give and receive ministry, accountability, and care
Faith-filled goals
twelve months
• Define community and provide clarity around its function at KAC
• Establish a lay mentoring and ministry counselling service
thirty-six months
• Renovate our campus to create an intentional space to facilitate hospitality, invitation, coffee, and food.
• Launch 10 new Life Groups every year
sixty months
• See 80% of our congregation participate in a small or mid-sized community where they are known and can give and receive ministry, accountability, and care
We desire and pray for a Christ-exalting, heart-reviving, sin-defeating encounter with the Holy Spirit that releases God’s transforming power in our neighbourhood, city, and world.
• is that KAC would have a longing desire for the manifest presence of Jesus
• is that we would respond to Jesus in humility as we confess and repent of our sin
• is that we would see a corporate filling of the Holy Spirit that would result in our people understanding and operating in God’s Word with holy boldness.
Faith-filled goals
twelve months
• Train and develop a Prayer Team to serve at regular altar calls and as needed by our church congregants and community
• Hold a monthly prayer gathering that is preceded by a time of corporate fasting
thirty-six months
• Plant at least one campus and/or expression of KAC to reach people we aren’t currently reaching
sixty months
• Baptize 250 people
• See 80% of our church engage in an inner healing transformational process
Faith-filled goals
twelve months
• Train and develop a Prayer Team to serve at regular altar calls and as needed by our church congregants and community
• Hold a monthly prayer gathering that is preceded by a time of corporate fasting
thirty-six months
• Plant at least one campus and/or expression of KAC to reach people we aren’t currently reaching
sixty months
• Baptize 250 people
• See 80% of our church engage in an inner healing transformational process
Lord, I have heard of your fame; I stand in awe of your deeds, Lord. Repeat them in our day, in our time make them known; in wrath remember mercy.
We believe that every follower of Jesus is called to be on mission everywhere, all the time by boldly proclaiming and demonstrating the love of Jesus to others.
• is to be a major contributor to the overall lift, seeing an increase in the health and vitality of our neighborhood, city, and world
• is to move from having a heart for our community, to being the hands and feet to our community
• is to partner with Indigenous communities to see a brighter and better future for Indigenous people in our city, area, and world
Learn more about Missions at KAC
Faith-filled goals
twelve months
• Partner with the Mustard Seed to provide an emergency weather shelter
• Build trust and significant partnerships with 3 organizations in our neighborhood to inspire people for local missions, inform them of how God is at work in our city, and engage them in the stewardship of their time, talent, and money
thirty-six months
• See 75% of our Life Groups actively serving at least 2 times a year with our local and global missional partners
• Establish significant partnerships with 3 international agencies to inspire people for global missions, inform them of how God is at work in the world, and engage them in the stewardship of their time, talent, and money
sixty months
• Raise and send 15 international workers to make Jesus known around the world
Faith-filled goals
twelve months
• Partner with the Mustard Seed to provide an emergency weather shelter
• Build trust and significant partnerships with 3 organizations in our neighborhood to inspire people for local missions, inform them of how God is at work in our city, and engage them in the stewardship of their time, talent, and money
thirty-six months
• See 75% of our Life Groups actively serving at least 2 times a year with our local and global missional partners
• Establish significant partnerships with 3 international agencies to inspire people for global missions, inform them of how God is at work in the world, and engage them in the stewardship of their time, talent, and money
sixty months
• Raise and send 15 international workers to make Jesus known around the world
We seek to follow Christ’s commission to identify, train and equip leaders at all levels to make Jesus known in our church, neighborhood, city and world.
• is to be a leadership development engine where people of all ages are trained for mission and ministry
• would be to partner with an accredited institution to develop and host a regional pastoral training program
• our dream is to work with Indigenous leaders across Canada to design a specific track within our leadership development program for Indigenous pastors
Faith-filled goals
twelve months
• See 40% of our congregation identify their spiritual gifts and know where to use them
thirty-six months
• See 60% of our congregation identify their spiritual gifts and know where to use them
• Launch a one-year accredited program that combines theological training, pastoral formation, and leadership development
• Ensure every leader has an apprentice leader they are intentionally developing for ministry in our church
sixty months
• See 80% of our congregation identify their spiritual gifts and know where to use them
• Graduate 30 pastoral apprentices
Faith-filled goals
twelve months
• See 40% of our congregation identify their spiritual gifts and know where to use them
thirty-six months
• See 60% of our congregation identify their spiritual gifts and know where to use them
• Launch a one-year accredited program that combines theological training, pastoral formation, and leadership development
• Ensure every leader has an apprentice leader they are intentionally developing for ministry in our church
sixty months
• See 80% of our congregation identify their spiritual gifts and know where to use them
• Graduate 30 pastoral apprentices